Section 5. Animal Management For Water Quality

Proper pasture and animal yard management is an important component to a successful hobby farm to support healthy animals and sustainable land management practices. 

The use of pastures and animal yards by livestock, horses and other farm animals can cause significant land disturbance resulting in soil erosion, stormwater runoff and the pollution of nearby water resources. Good animal management includes taking measures to address the following: 

  • Space – adequate space for animals is essential, both outdoors and indoors
  • Grass and Grazing – manage grass and grazing to prevent overgrazing and erosion
  • Manure – develop a successful manure management plan
  • Mud – properly implement mud management practices
  • Water Resource Areas – manage shoreline areas for water quality protection
  • Fencing – develop techniques to keep animals where you want them
  • Water Supply – provide suitable water sources, other than streams and ponds

Section 5. Animal Management For Water Quality

Section 5. Introduction

FACT SHEET 5.1: Animal Space Needs

FACT SHEET 5.2: Grazing and Grass Management

FACT SHEET 5.3: Mud Management

FACT SHEET 5.4: Manure Management

FACT SHEET 5.5: Animal Manure Composting

FACT SHEET 5.6: Controlling Animal Access to Waterways: Fencing

FACT SHEET 5.7: Controlling Animal Access to Waterways: Crossings

FACT SHEET 5.8: Controlling Animal Access to Waterways: Alternative Water Sources

CHECKLIST 5A: Animal Management for Water Quality